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League of Legends:


Free HackTool by SKIDROW is easy to use! Just download it, unzip file and install .exe!


-Download and install LOL HackTool

- Run The Hack

- Enter the game

- Login and refresh the game

- Have fun!

Downloaded: 736 times.

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Best comments:

User: Marionix93

Heey! I downloaded cheats for league of legends, i got 9000 rp :D!

Added: 29.01.17 - 16:49

User: BaLeOo


Added: 29.01.17 - 18:12

User: Mrs.Darkness.92

Yes it works finally... Now i can get 30/0 easy thanks to aimbot from CS:GO hacks ;d

Added: 29.01.17 - 18:39

User: love♥ love♥ love♥ 

hahahahha, okay maybe it works but you need to download it, can't use it online without download????? whatever, it's good website ;d

Added: 30.01.17 - 08:17

User: AzaZjella578303

I was think it's all scam but i was wrong. Such a good cheats for everyone.

Added: 01.02.17 - 00:08

User: never_say_never?

yeeaaa now i can catch pokemons from 1000 meters xD every pokemon is mine!!!!!!!

Added: 01.02.17 - 16:59


@up try to catch pokemons from 10.000... stupid kids ^^ league of legend hacks are better :D

Added: 03.02.17 - 19:27

User: MoonlightShadows

Noo!! Don't use hacks! That's why i lose 90% of games in league of legends!! I'm gonna download it too! Thanks John!

Added: 03.02.17 - 22:01

Free Cheats! Free Hacks! For free! For everyone! 2017. Created by John.

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